
define the micronutrient deficienciesin the

Define the Micronutrient Deficiencies?

In the previous section, we learnt about macronutrient deficiencies i.e. protein energy malnutrition in children. We are now aware that this is an important problem of public health significance affecting millions of young Indian children belonging to poverty stricken rural communities. In addition to this, deficiencies of specific micronutrients like vitamin A, iron and iodine affect large segments of population. We have studied earlier that micronutrients are nutrients which, although required in minute quantities, are essential to maintain the normal metabolism and function. Some people also call' them 'super nutrients', indicating their importance and also signifying the dreaded ill effects of their deficiencies in the communities. Of all the micronutrient deficiencies, those of vitamin A, iron and iodine affect millions of populations and contribute to high morbidity and mortality. Apart from these, deficiencies of micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and molybdenum, though do not manifest as overt problems, can lead to functional changes.

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Biology: define the micronutrient deficienciesin the
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