Define the mechanism with technical definition and add


1- Define the mechanism with technical definition and add extensions to discuss any theory or principles necessary for the reader to understand what are you saying. Always make sure you add only what the reader needs for the purpose at hand. If he does need them, do not add any.

2- Describe the mechanism's overall function or purpose.

3- Describe the mechanism's overall appearance in terms of its relevant attributes for example shape, color, material, finish, texture, mass/weight, and size.

4- List the mechanism's parts in the order in which you plan to describe them.


Part 1

1- Define the first part with a technical definition, adding extensions as needed to deal with theory or operating principles.

2- Describe the part's overall function or purpose.

3- Describe the part's shape, color, material, finish, texture, and size, using precise measure and descriptors. Also, be sure to use one photo for the mechanism.

4- Transition from this part to next part.

Part 2

1- for each remaining part, repeat the pattern of defining, describing, and transitioning established in part 1.


1- Briefly summarize the mechanism's function and relist the parts described.

2- Give a sense of finality to the paper.

More Instructions:

1- Do not use the inappropriate language Like ( We, You, Generally, about , usually , Below, Normally)

2- Do Use a poor figure.

3- Need 2 sources one for the Measurement, size and shape and the other is for figure of wire measurement details and materials.

4- Need the figure in second paper.

5-Do not use Confused word like ( Comprise , Composed of, While, Have , Are)


1- Papers must be written in 12-point Times New Roman.  No other font sizes or styles are allowed.

2- Papers must have 1" margins all around.  No other margins are allowed.

3- all papers must be double-spaced throughout.  There should be no excessive white space.

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Electrical Engineering: Define the mechanism with technical definition and add
Reference No:- TGS01151867

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