
Define the meaning of early intervention and explain its

Content Review


Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and 2- to 3-paragraphs in length.

Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.

1. Define the meaning of early intervention and explain its importance for very young children and their families. Support your thinking about early invention with the outcomes identified by Congress in IDEA 2004.

2. Imagine you work with infants and/or toddlers. What are three ways IDEA 2004 would affect the children and families in your program? What does it mean that services for children up to age three take place in children's "natural environment?" Now imagine you are working with preschoolers. What are three ways IDEA 2004 would affect the children and families in your program?

3. Diagnostic tests are given when screening tests have pinpointed that specific children may have developmental delays. Explain why and how these tests contribute valuable information to the early intervention process.

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Reference No:- TGS01034576

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