
define the marasmic kwashiorkorin countries where

Define the Marasmic Kwashiorkor?

In countries where the incidence of protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) is high, a large number of cases show signs and symptoms of marasmus and kwashiorkor. These intermediate forms are called 'Marasmic-kwashiorkor'. In addition, the inter-relationship between the two major syndromes is such that the changing circumstances may result in a transition from one clinical picture to mother. A child with early kwashiorkor can develop nutritional marasmus by severe infective diarrhoea and ill-advised prolonged under-feeding. Conversely, an infant with nutritional marasmus may develop kwashiorkor if fed on protein deficient carbohydrate rich foods along with adequate common salt.

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Biology: define the marasmic kwashiorkorin countries where
Reference No:- TGS0309031

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