
Define the major legislative aspects of the nrf and these


For the SLPs in this course, your assignments will be based on unique scenarios, which have directly impacted Homeland Security.

Earlier this morning, terrorists released lethal chemical agents in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City, killing hundreds and injuring thousands. As an intelligence analyst with the Department of Homeland Security, your have been directed to develop a background paper for your supervisor discussing the National Response Plan (NRP) and the role DHS resident agencies might play in a coordinated DHS response involving its resident agencies. This background paper will cover the following issues:

1. Define the major legislative aspects of the NRF and these might impact and/or guide the overall responses by the Department of Homeland Security and its resident agencies.

2. Briefly explain the roles of the relevant DHS agencies in responding to such attacks and the capabilities each agency brings to the table when confronting a chemical terrorist attack in the homeland.

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Dissertation: Define the major legislative aspects of the nrf and these
Reference No:- TGS02485444

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