
Define the leader-member exchange theory

Discuss the below:


Imagine representing your attitudes toward an understanding of communication, coaching, or conflict visually rather than through language.

Choose one of these three areas and discuss the following:

• What would your art look like?

• What materials would you use?

• What kinds of colors would you use?

• What kinds of images would best represent your feelings about it?


Respond in one of the following ways:

• Ask a probing question.

• Share an insight from having read your peer's post.

• Offer and support an opinion.

• Validate an idea with your own experience.

• Make a suggestion.

Writing Requirements

• In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers.

• Initial Post Length: minimum of 250 words

• Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post

• Use APA format for in-text citations and list of references.


A good leader must have a favorable relationship with their followers/employees, however not all follower/employee relationships are created equal. A follower is often referred to as a "dyad" which is based on the Dyadic Theory. The meaning of dyadic is ‘two way" and implies that there is a two-way relationship between leader and follower, whether this is positive or negative. The theory is an approach to leadership that attempts to provide an explanation why leaders will vary their behaviors with different followers. There are two groups leaders interact with: In-Group: followers that have strong social ties and a supportive relationship with the leader. The relationship consists of trust, respect, loyalty and influence. Out-Group: includes followers who have few or no social ties to the leader and interactions are limited to being task-oriented.

There is a second stage of the dyadic relationship, Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX). The theory is a relationship approach to leadership. The focus is on the two-way (dyadic) exchange between leaders/supervisors/managers and followers/employees in their group or in their team. The LMX theory recognizes that in each group, some belong to the in-group and some to the out-group; and that there must be effective leader-follower feedback. The three factors in a high quality LMX relationship include: follower attributes; leader's perception and behaviors; and situational factors. The quality in LMX relationships is considered flawed in its inability to measure success adequately for the out-group, and unintended high performance ratings for the in-group. It's important to understand the dynamics of which group you might be in at your place of business and whether or not it fits your future career plans. If you are in a position of leadership, understanding the LMX theory and in-groups and out-groups, may help evaluate the followers in your group and understand how they are performing and your range of influence.


Choose one of the following two topics to address:

• Define the terms in-group and out-group. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups and out-groups?

• Very briefly define the Leader-Member Exchange Theory. Discuss drawbacks, factors of high quality LMX relationships, and how they can lead to unintended bias in HR.


Watching a movie while analyzing it can be inspiring. Usually we go along for the ride of a movie and enjoy settings and the actors, and allow ourselves to be at the mercy of our emotions. We want to escape into the world that the movie presents. But when selecting one of the movies listed below, or if you have a movie in mind, and watching and listening to it with analytical eyes and ears, a whole new experience, a richer and deeper experience will emerge. You will be able to see the motivation and speculate on the outcome of the characters actions. It's easy to get lost in a movie, so prepare a list of theories, concepts, and skill sets that have been covered in this class so far. Take on the challenge of finding as many as you can identify while experiencing the movie. You may be surprised at how many you will discover! But select two or three that feel strongly about and concentrate on those.

With your newly found information, you will begin to analyze what leadership qualities or lack thereof are on the screen before you. Take notes while watching and try to analyze the new vision you have of what's going on. You'll feel as though you know some of the characters because you have the advantage of the insider information from this class. You may be surprised or shocked by leaders in your movie as you apply your knowledge and analyze their decisions, relationships, conversations and actions.
Activity Instructions

You will choose a movie (approved by your professor) to analyze, taking into consideration the concepts, theories, and skill sets we have discussed in class thus far. Please message, or e-mail your movie selection to your instructor prior to completing the assignment.

You should provide a short summary of the movie. Focus on the aspects that relate to leadership (1-2 pages) and an analysis (1-2 pages) in which you explain how the movie reflects concepts we have studied in class (if the movie reflects multiple concepts, choose two or three that were the most evident in the film).

Here are a few suggestions:







Fahrenheit 911

Lord of the Rings

Forest Gump



Apollo 13

Saving Private Ryan

Remember the Titans

The Social Network

Writing Requirements (APA format)

• 3-4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page

• 1-inch margins

• Double spaced

• 12-point Times New Roman font

• Title page with topic and name of student

• References page (minimum of 2 resources)

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Other Management: Define the leader-member exchange theory
Reference No:- TGS01975041

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