
Define the issues clearly and specifically


I'm working on picking a topic from the choices below for my final. I then need to Summarize the chosen topic/policy issue(s).

Define the issue(s) clearly and specifically. Describe what you already know about the issue(s). Explain why and to whom the topic is important.

A. Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse: Laws requiring the mandated reporting of child abuse have been enacted in every state in the United States. Mandated reporting laws cross disciplines (counseling, psychology, medicine, nursing, education, etc.). Some professionals have criticized these laws on the basis of interfering with their professional relationship with children.

B. Mental Health Parity: Mental health parity laws and regulations have been enacted at the state and federal level. This "hot" issue affects not only the mental health community, but also the welfare and traditional healthcare sectors.

C. Prison Diversion: Many states and counties have developed court-based diversion program to provide an alternative to prison time for minor offenses, drug offenses, and offenses committed by juveniles or mentally ill individuals. There are several facets of this issue that can be examined from a cross-disciplinary perspective.

D. Prescription Privileges for Psychologists: There are efforts by both the state and federal level focused on granting psychologists the right to prescribe psychotropic medications to patients. This controversial issue crosses several disciplines.

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