
Define the independent and dependent variables


You need an experimental research study example/script that includes the following steps:

1. Problem Statement

2. Identifies and defines important theoretical constructs

3. Identifies and operationally defines independent and dependent variables

4. Formulates research hypothesis

5. Identifies a population

6. Deals with all ethical considerations

7. Selects and assigns participants to conditions

8. Specifies the details of observational procedures

9. Anticipates threats to validity

10. Selects appropriate controls, and

11. Specifies the procedures for data analysis

All of this planning is carried out before the researcher observes a single participant.

The example or script must make the steps above obvious for me to identify. Use whatever example you desire, but related to education.

I have read the theory over and over, but can't seem to grasp the concept until I see an example.

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Other Subject: Define the independent and dependent variables
Reference No:- TGS01929139

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