
define the incubator - food microbiologythe

Define the Incubator - Food Microbiology?

The growth of the microorganisms is altered by the chemical and physical nature of its surrounding. Most important environmental features altering microbial growth are pH, water activity, oxygen level and temperature. Each microorganism has specific requirement of temperature for its growth. The cardinal temperatures, i.e., minimum, optimum and maximum growth temperatures, vary greatly with the type of microorganisms. Therefore, for cultivation of microorganisms, prime requirement is to provide the optimum temperature for growth. This can be achieved by using incubators and shaking water bath.

An incubator is an insulated cabinet fitted with heating element at the bottom. It has perforated shelves and is provided with double door. Inner door is of glass to view the content of incubator. Like an oven, most of the incubators use dry heat for temperature control. Moist environment can be provided by keeping a beaker of water inside the cabinet. Incubator is used for culturing the organism at its optimum temperature. Here temperature can be adjusted according to organism's requirement and then maintained at a desired level thermostatically.

Shaking water baths can also be used for microbe's cultivation. Here also temperature is maintained thermostatically. However, it can be used only for liquid culture.

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Biology: define the incubator - food microbiologythe
Reference No:- TGS0292468

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