
define the functions of plateletsthe main

Define the functions of platelets

The main function of platelets, or thrombocytes, is to stop the loss of blood from wounds, i.e. haemostasis. Let us learn about this function. The platelets:

i) Release a chemical substance called serotonin, that cause vasoconstriction. This ensures reduced flow of blood from the injured site,

ii) Aggregate to plug the vascular plug at site of injury, and

iii) Have like skeletal muscles, actin and myosin proteins, which contract to bring about clot retraction. This ensures normal flow of blood around the sealed injured blood vessel.

The plug formed by the platelet arrests bleeding. The time taken for the blood to cease flowing from an injured site is termed as bleeding time. The platelet plug that is formed is friable and cannot be relied to check bleeding for very long. The blood forms a fibrin meshwork of threads that forms a better plug. This may take a few minutes before such a first aid mechanism acts in the body. The time taken for a clot to form is termed as clotting time. Before a patient is taken to the operation theatre, the doctor assesses the bleeding and clotting time to prevent excessive loss of blood during time of operation. The patient whose bleeding time is less than 4 minutes and clotting time is less than 12 minutes may be taken up for surgery after the other investigations are normal. So far, we have learnt about the constituents and functions of blood - the fluid connective tissue.

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Science: define the functions of plateletsthe main
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