
Define the differences between defacto-dejure discrimination



Students must respond to two (2) mandatory questions and two (2) additional questions from the list below. In order to receive maximum points for each essay question, students must discuss each question in accordance to the context of the question and subject matter discussed within the course.

1. List and describe four (4) significant barriers that led to legal disenfranchisement of Mexican Americans in terms of voting. Make sure to define and describe how each area specifically prohibited Mexican Americans from exercising their right to vote. Half-page minimum response. Each of the four (4) barriers must be bolded within your essay response.

2. Define and explain the differences between defacto and dejure discrimination. Relate these differences to the treatment of Mexican Americans & Mexican Nationals. A minimum of two (2) additional key concepts must be use within the essay response. Key concepts must be used appropriately and explained thoroughly within the context of the question. Failure to do so will result in significant point deductions. Half-page minimum response. Each of the two (2) key concepts must be bolded within your essay response. The two additional concepts do not include defacto and dejure discrimination.

3. Define affirmative action. List and describe two significant Supreme Court cases dealing with affirmative action. What role does affirmative action play in post-secondary educational institutions today? Discuss the future implications for higher education, diversity, and college admissions policies if the Supreme Court rejects the place of affirmative action policies in higher education.

A minimum of four (4) key concepts must be use within the essay response. Key concepts must be used appropriately and explained thoroughly within the context of the question. Failure to do so will result in significant point deductions. Minimum one-page response. Mandatory Question. Each of the four (4) key concepts must be bolded within your essay response.

4. Discuss the educational history of Mexican American children (and children of Mexican descent) in Texas and California. How has the lack of equality and quality education hindered the future socioeconomic status of these groups in America? Make sure to include all salient/important educational cases in your discussion.

A minimum of four (4) key concepts must be use within the essay response. Key concepts must be used appropriately and explained thoroughly within the context of the question. Failure to do so will result in significant point deductions. Minimum one-page response Mandatory Question. Each of the four (4) key concepts must be bolded within your essay response.

5. Discuss the importance of teaching school-age children bilingual education in a transitionalist manner as oppose to the maintenance perspective (or vise versa). Make sure to define both terms within your discussion. A minimum of two (2) additional key concepts must be use within the essay response. Key concepts must be used appropriately and explained thoroughly within the context of the question. Failure to do so will result in significant point deductions. Half-page minimum response. Each of the two (2) additional key concepts must be bolded within your essay response. The two additional key concepts do not include maintenance and transitionalist.

6. List and describe the general thoughts and attitudes toward Mexican immigration during the various periods of immigration. Pay special attention in your essay response to discuss contemporary immigration and relevant pieces of legislation. A minimum of four (4) key concepts must be use within the essay response. Key concepts must be used appropriately and explained thoroughly within the context of the question. Failure to do so will result in significant point deductions. Half-page minimum response. Each of the four (4) key concepts must be bolded within your essay response.

Bonus Questions - Each correct response is worth three (3) points.

1. What was the name of the California community that legally fought the school board and PTAs decision to send all children of Mexican descent to "Americanize" schools?

2. Which president first discussed taking "affirmative steps" in order to promote and ensure equal opportunity without regard to particular characteristics when seeking federal employment and governmental contracts?

All responses must be double-spaced with one double-space between paragraphs and typed using Times New Roman font size 12 only. When responding to each question, do not restate the entire question; simply include the question number listed below. Students SHOULD NOT include any personal opinions or personal experiences within their responses. Failure to follow these requirements will result in significant point deductions.

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