
define the diet for childrenby preschool stage

Define the Diet for Children?

By preschool stage, their routines are set' and dietary choices become more and more firm by the time they are in senior school. Further, there is tremendous peer pressure. Irrespective of income groups they exhibit wide variations in their food intake. Some well-to-do will eat less while some of them will eat in excess. Missing breakfast is on a rise and most of the adolescents skip breakfast, do not carry packed lunch and prefer to snack in school canteen. Dislike for vegetables may continue for only a few. If properly guided and encouraged, acceptance of fruit may be good.

Good breakfast helps in attention span, good social behaviour, sense of security and contentment and prevent snacking and bingeing. Yet most school children and adolescents rush through their breakfast or completely skip it. One common reason for skipping breakfast is sleeping late and rising-late. Pressure of school routine puts them into a rushed morning routine. They are not able to regain adequate appetite in this rushed routine in the morning.

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Biology: define the diet for childrenby preschool stage
Reference No:- TGS0306929

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