
Define the concepts of symmetric key encryption



Write around 600 to 800 words for each of the short-essay questions. All questions are of equal value. You should provide credible references for each question according to the Faculty of Business guidelines.

Topic 1 Encryption

Define the concepts of symmetric key encryption, public key encryption, and hashing and explain which of these techniques are used for confidentiality and authentication.

Topic 2 Secure Networks

You are security administrator responsible for your organization security. Using the content of the book, describe in detail at least two ways to defend your company from denial of service attacks

Topic 3 Access Control

You are security administrator responsible for your organization security, list rules for working in secure areas. Please include how should trash bins be protected? and What can be done to reduce the dangers of desktop PC theft and unauthorized use?

Topic 4 Firewalls

The two types of filtering IDSs use are deep Packet inspection and packet stream analysis, explain why they are important and why they are processing intensive


This assessment aims at partially achieving the following subject objectives:

• be able to explain basic information security concepts;

• be able to discuss and debate some of the security implications of computer networks.

• be able to compare and contrast firewall technologies;

• This assessment is designed to:

• be able to explain basic information security concepts;

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Computer Network Security: Define the concepts of symmetric key encryption
Reference No:- TGS03038572

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