
Define the concepts definition of the situation dramaturgy

Question 1. A) Define the concepts: definition of the situation, dramaturgy, and impression management.

B) Discuss the relationship among the concepts: region, frontstage, and backstage.

C) Interpret story presented in the film and the experience of the main character within the framework of dramaturgy and the perspectives of Erving Goffman. You may utilize any of the concepts related to impression management (e.g. front, personal front, region, backstage, frontstage, or social construction).

D) Apply the concepts presented in this question set to either your own experiences in the social world or that of another individual.

Question 2. A) Briefly describe the following perspectives on the self and interaction: psychoanalysis; looking-glass self; mind, self, and society, and dramaturgy.

B) Following the example in Table 4.1, apply all four perspectives to some type of social identity (besides childhood). This could include identity as a student, an employee, a parent, a member of sports team or some other type of group.

Question 3. For question #3, reference the YouTube video "Deadly Hunt: Albinos in Tanzania" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd7RRr5Eubg&feature=youtube_gdata.

A) Is being an albino an ascribed or achieved status? Why are albinos stereotyped and how does this impact their lives in terms of their position in the social structure of society?

B) What are the cultural solutions that can help address the problems faced by the albinos?

C) What are the structural solutions that can help address the problems faced by the albinos? Hint-check out the last slide (The Power of a Social Status) of the uploaded slide presentation.

D) Provide an example of a social status that may take on the characteristics of a master status and/or stereotype that could negatively impact somebody's life and explain how so.

Question 4. For question #4, reference the "A lonely future?Group Ties in a Digital World" section of the textbook along with "Why We Unfriend" by Christopher Sibona. www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/04/how-to-get-unfriended/361394/

A) What types of friends did Sibona find were more likely to unfriend or be unfriended and why?

B) Why is termination of a friendship online quicker than in real life?

C) What are the reasons why people may become "unfriended"?

D) Considering the concept of anomie, do you think the rapid changes in technology and society are arousing anxiety, increasing loneliness, and disconnecting individuals from social life? Or do you think that these technologies will help individuals develop closer relationships with others and become more politically engaged?

Question 5. For question #5, reference the section in the reading "Milgram experiment" and the YouTube video "Milgram experiment" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr5cjyokVUs.

A) What was the main research goal/question of the Milgram Experiment?

B) Describe the research methodology employed in the study. Why would this experiment be considered unethical by today's professional standards?

C) How did the results of the study help inform on processes of obedience and conformity to authority?

D) Provide a contemporary example of a case where people would obey authority and carry out orders that could be harmful to others.

Question 6. For question #6, reference the section in the reading "The Stanford Prison Experiment" and the YouTube video "The Stanford Prison Experiment" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZwfNs1pqG0.

A) What was the main research goal/question of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

B) Describe the research methodology employed in the study. Why would this experiment be considered unethical by today's professional standards?

C) How did the results of the study help inform on human behavior and situational dynamics, and processes of obedience and conformity to authority?

D) What types of contemporary issues or current events does the findings of this study and Millgram's help inform on?

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Dissertation: Define the concepts definition of the situation dramaturgy
Reference No:- TGS01601444

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