
define the concept of health - public

Define the Concept of Health - Public Nutrition?

The most widely accepted definition of health is the one given by WHO (1948) in the preamble to its constitution, Box 1 gives the WHO definition of health.

It states "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity."

You should also note that this WHO definition has recently been expanded and includes "the ability to lead a socially and economically productive life". However; this concept of health is considered idealistic by many people and by using this yardstick very few, if any, would qualify as being healthy. But, if people consciously follow this goal, then it would enable most people to achieve a more positive state of health. In the absence of a better way of defining health, this definition of health continues to have universal acceptance.


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Biology: define the concept of health - public
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