
define the classification of proteinsproteins

Define the Classification of Proteins?

Proteins vary widely in. their properties. We suggest you look up this unit once again now as the information about proteins and their properties given there will supplement your understanding of the functions and other aspects of proteins discussed here in this unit. Let us consider the two very familiar proteins. One of them is the egg white protein, which is very sensitive. It denatures on heating, dissolves easily in water and is quite reactive, while the other one is keratin of nails and hoofs, is wholly insoluble, tough and chemically inert and resistant. Hence, it is not easy to classify proteins. We simply distinguish proteins which are insoluble and fibrous and function as structural material (scleroproteins) and globular proteins, those represented by egg white or serum proteins, which are soluble in water or salt solution and consist of spherical molecules.

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Biology: define the classification of proteinsproteins
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