
define the characteristics that are seen in

Define the characteristics that are seen in Rickets?

The following characteristics are seen in fully developed cases of rickets:

1) In case of young infants, delayed closure of the fontanelles i.e. a soft membranous gap between the cranial bones, softening and reduced mineralization of the skull (craniotabes).

2) While in older infants, sitting and crawling are delayed and there is bossing of skull. Also there are soft, fragile bones, bow legs, enlargement of the costochondral junction (a cartilage that attaches the front of the ribs to the breastbone) with rows of knobs or beads forming the Rachitic Rosary, pigeon chest and spinal curvature.

3) Enlargement of wrist, knee (knock-knees) and ankle joints.

4) Poorly developed muscles, lack of muscle tone, pot belly being the result of weakness of abdominal muscles, weakness with delayed walking.

5) Restlessness and nervous irritability.

6) High serum alkaline phosphatase, low inorganic blood phosphorus, normal or low serum calcium.

7) Tetany characterized by low serum calcium, muscle twitching, cramps and convulsions.

8) Delayed dentition and malformation of the teeth, permanent teeth more' subject to decay.

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Biology: define the characteristics that are seen in
Reference No:- TGS0309269

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