
Define the characteristics of nuclear terrorist weapons



Watch the following short video, Poison-Weapons (Segment 1 of 19), and prepare to consider a terrorist's use of a chemical weapon.
UnitII_PoisonGasTranscript (attached, transcript to the video)

Based on your reading, video, and personal experience, what do you think is the most likely type of chemical weapon and method of dispersal that terrorists would use in an attack in the United States? Why? If you were in a position as a security director, how would you prepare agencies for such an attack?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit II Essay

In order to be knowledgeable about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to be able to rapidly recognize when one may have been employed, it is important to understand the various types of WMD, their characteristics, and how to identify and combat them.

All first responders, if not all Americans, understand that when they see white dust in an envelope anthrax may be present. However, many pathogens take weeks to show symptoms or, along with toxic chemicals, may be successfully employed using water systems or agriculture. However, certain pathogens and toxins can be ruled out simply because of the delivery method employed.

Likewise, there is a significant difference between a radiological dispersal device (RDD) and a nuclear weapon in the probability of use, the degree of lethality, radioactive material employed, delivery mechanisms, and in the ease of obtaining or manufacturing.

In an essay of at least two pages, compare WMD types, lethality, ease of obtaining, and probability of use by terrorists. Be sure to complete the tasks below in your essay.

• Explain the types of chemical agents or biological agents that can be used in an attack.

• Define the characteristics of nuclear terrorist weapons (the difference between an RDD and a nuclear weapon).

• Summarize the impacts of a nuclear weapon in the community feeling its effects

Your essay should be written in APA style. Your title and reference pages will not count toward the total page requirement of this assignment. You will need to include an introduction to your essay. You should utilize and list your textbook as a source, and any other scholarly sources should all be cited in APA format as well. Write as a graduate essay NOT a short response paper.

Howard, R. D., & Forest, J. (2013). Weapons of mass destruction and terrorism (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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