
Define the business workplace expectations


How do you reply to the following discussion post? Minimum of 150 words. Thank you in advance!

Is the old barter system for goods and services really gone or just redefined to meet the business' workplace expectations? Bartering, although still alive in some areas of the world today, has been replaced with a system of paper and/or coined mediums referred to as currency or money, but why do we need money? Money, as defined by Beattie (2015) is, "a unit of measurement and a storehouse for wealth" and is how people pay for goods and services today.

So, in today's economy, money can be a sole or determining factor in employment choice and longevity in a business for some people and could also play a role in an individual's performance. Employees need to know that they are contributing to a company through their individual performance contributions and receive a fair and equitable pay wage in return - reinforcement of good behavior is in our DNA. Since not all employees are equal in performance output though, a reward or merit system can be a driving contributor for sustained or increased productivity, competition, and retention of good employees.

Personally, I didn't even know how much I would be paid when I entered the Marine Corps, it didn't matter to me cause I joined for the career opportunity and unwillingness (at the time) to attend higher education. There's a few items that have kept me going over the years though; love of being a part of this institution, the team mentality, our purpose, and receiving promotions to move up the ranks, move up or out. One thing to mention though, is even if you had all of the aforementioned drivers, without promotions you become stagnant and in some cases forced to get out, so personal performance is a crucial necessity.

If I had to place myself in another occupation, the factors most likely to make me want to quit a job would be; disorganized and chaotic workplace climate, no vertical unity of leadership, people taking personal interests over the good of the team, and just not having fun when I go to work. If I was younger, I would be concerned about no advancement opportunities and would be dissatisfied in a job where my performance wasn't recognized or acknowledged by management, whether through a reward system or just a 'good job' reinforcement to let me know I am doing the right thing here - it's in our DNA.

"Employers who recognize and reward workers for their efforts give them an incentive to perform better and be more productive" (Scott, n.d., para 2). There are many items you can reward good employees for; productivity, quality of work, customer satisfaction, or presence at work, and internal competition is a resourceful management tool as it provides a venue for employees to excel personally and excel the company. It can also be destructive if there is not a satisfying reward system in place or allowed to upset the balance of the workforce by not being equitable. Every good has an evil! I would assume most employees prefer a cash reward system in terms of bonuses or promotions, after all money is a considerable factor in sustaining a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.

The Armed Forces as an occupation is a lifestyle choice and career commitment, which rewards it's long-term careerist through self-earned promotions based off an individual's sustained performance. There's nothing my organization can change to keep me, since remaining is based on what I can do for the organization that determines my retention.


Beattie A. (2015). The History of Money.

Scott S. (n.d.). Why Create a Workplace Reward System. Chron.

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