
Define the business strategy


Please respond to the following 3 post with examples 200 words each post

1. Weird idea that works. Dr. Sulton has some interesting articles talking about this perspective. In one of his article, he said, " Who'd have thought fighting each other would be good for employees?" Before reading that article and the truth for this week assignment, I thought that fighting within a team was bad for a group. Then I read about the three different types of conflicts and found out that sometimes conflict within a group is not necessary a bad thing. Conflict is constructive when it improves the quality of decisions stimulates creativity and innovation, encourages interest and curiosity among group members. I used to personally think that people working on the same project, for the same goal should never have a conflict among them. After reading the truth, I have realized that there was no way that a group could succeed without sharing their ideas and some people usually can't explain themselves without any task conflict.

I was at the airport last week and I saw a commercial about a gym trying open at the airport. I really thought that it was a weird idea, but after watching the whole commercial, I saw some interesting ideas that made their plan obvious. My first thought for that plan was, how would someone workout before his flight, and put his dirty close back to his luggage? In their commercial, they said you can either pay just for the day or if you are a regular traveler pay monthly. They have showers, changing clothing if you don't want to use your own, but if you do want to use yours they have some compressible zipper bags to put our workout clothing, so it will not take too much room in your luggage. That idea was a good example that I currently experienced last week. It was weird for me just thinking about a gym at the airport.

In summary, I think it is safe to say that there is no such thing as a bad idea. Some people tend to neglect the importance of the ideas. An idea might sound weird initially or might come from someone without any domain of expertise, but it doesn't mean that the idea will not be work or will not be a good idea. It is in everyone best interest to listen to ideas especially when working on a project, then as a group decides which should be the best idea even if it will be through conflict. Conflict is somehow good for a project.

2. I like the whole idea of small wins. I understand that everyone likes to see those "big wins", but they can be extremely hard, if not almost impossible to manage and get to happen. The whole idea of smaller wins, or what I like to think of as smaller steps, towards a bigger goal seems to work well and keeps people interested for the entirety of a project. The best example I have of this is cost reduction goals for the purchasing department in which I work. We have a goal of $600,000 in savings for the department for 2018. The first thing we did, as a department, is divide this goal between 6 buyers so that we now have 6 goals of $100,000 each. This is still a large number and would be very difficult to handle if we only looked for one instance of savings. However, as a buyer I start reaching out and looking to where I can find savings. Each savings I can find, whether through changing suppliers, process improvements, purchase quantities, etc., is a small win towards my goal.

So far this year I have 4 cost savings projects for a total of about 70K in savings. While the total amount needed may seem to be a daunting task, each little win makes me feel like it is possible. Another great example is found in an article I read about mobilizing residents towards cleaning up their communities. This article summarizes a project that instead of trying to make a huge change in communities all at once tried a different approach. Groups of residents were able to apply for mini-grants, usually $250-$2500, to carry out projects that would build relationships and benefit their communities. They found that these "small wins", while not necessarily leading to larger-scale mobilization efforts, led to "many immediate, tangible neighborhood improvements...fostered connections across neighbors... and communicated that the foundation was truly committed to working with and supporting neighborhood residents." (Foster-Fishman, Fitzgerald, Brandell, Nowell, Chavis, and Van Egeren 2006). Overall, I believe small wins create an environment where people can see change and get excited about it.

3. Business intelligence and business analytics can help companies refine their business strategies through the use of providing data and information to better inform decision makers of a business. Business intelligence systems is comprised of various reporting aspects. The analytics that are produced out of the reports is what helps interpret the business and gives leaders information about the business in order to make good decisions to help with their business strategy. Many times business strategy can be around growing the business and trying to forward think about what the business can do create competitive advantage and drive revenue and profits, these are just a few options that some businesses use as their business strategy. Although, the business intelligence systems and analytics help show what aspects of the businesses are strong in versus where the gaps may lie. Having data and analytics will help a business tweak and refine their business strategy around what their goals are and it would be hard to be without any of it.

This topic actually sits close to me because I'm a business analyst for a financial institution within the mortgage business. I mainly work with a lot of the production reports and use the data in the reports to provide a clear understanding of where the business stands on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. Through many of the various adhoc reports and presentations that I create, I know that in providing this information to senior executives, it helps them refine the business strategy.

In our case it would be seeing whether to refine the business strategy towards concentrating more in purchase or refinance transactions, possibly trying to convert more lead opportunities or even increasing customer retention by trying to recapture our current customer base. Without business intelligence systems or business analytics, it would be really tough to run a business. The data contained within these business intelligence systems and infrastructures is what gives the executives a glimpse of where the business stands or how they are performing in order to help benchmark the organization.

My employer just went through a whole new system conversion at the start of the year and in doing so the business intelligence team was converting everything over to our new data platform. Although, somewhere along the trip, our sales system platform isn't able to connect to our business intelligence infrastructure, which in turn gives us no access to any data to provide the business. Let's just say that sales executives aren't too happy knowing that they can't manage and monitor their teams and therefore cannot refine their business strategy. The sales executives rely on business analytics and production reports in order to help manage their employees to determine where business gaps are as well as to help benchmark where they are and where the business should be. So, just in my experience alone I know how important business intelligence and business analytics is in helping companies shape their business strategies.

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HR Management: Define the business strategy
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