
define the boolean algebraa set of rules invented

Define The Boolean algebra?

A set of rules invented by the English mathematician George Boole describe certain propositions whose outcome would be either true or false with regard to digital logic, these rules are used to describe circuits whose state can be either, 1 (true) or 0 (false).

The Boolean algebra is like any other mathematical systems defined with a set of elements, set of operators, and set of postulates/axioms. The Boolean algebra is used primarily by design engineers by using this system they are able to arrange logic gates to accomplish desired tasks. The Boolean algebra also enables the engineers to achieve the desired output by using the fewest number of logic gates. For the formal definition of the Boolean algebra E V Huntington introduced some postulates in 1904 .This is called as Huntington postulates.

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Computer Engineering: define the boolean algebraa set of rules invented
Reference No:- TGS0304159

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