
Define the 2sls estimator of beta using zi as an instrument

Econometrics 710 Final Exam 1999

1. Take a linear regression model

Y = Xβ + e

where X is n × k aud β is h × 1. Assume E (e | X) = 0. Suppose the parameters β are known to satisfy the restristions

β = Qθ

where Q is k × m and θ is m × 1, m < k. Q is known but θ is unknown.

(a) Is there a simple way to estimate θ by least squares? Find this estimator (θ˜).

(b) Let βˆ denote the OLS estimator for β.  One can also estimate θ from βˆ using the "minimum chi-square criterion." Specifically, for some positive definate k × k matrix W, define

C(θ) = (βˆ - Qθ)' W (βˆ - Qθ)

and define θˆ  as the θ which minimizes C(θ):

θˆ = Argmin C(θ).

Find this θˆ.

(c) Is θˆ consistent for θ?

(d) Find the asymptotic distribution of θˆ.

(e) Is there a choice of W so that θ˜ = θˆ?  [θ˜ is defined in part (a)]

2. Take the linear model

Y = Xβ + e.

Let the OLS estimator for β be βˆ and the OLS residual be eˆ = Y - Xθˆ.

Let the 2SLS estimator for β using some instrument Z be β˜ and the 2SLS residual be e˜ = Y - Xβ˜. If X is indeed endogeneous, will 2SLS "fit" better than OLS, in the sense that e˜' e˜ < eˆ' eˆ, at least in large samples?

3. Consider the single equation model

yi = xiβ + ei,

where yi and xi are both real-valued (1 × 1).  Let βˆ denote the 2SLS estimator of β using as an instrument a dummy variable di (takes only the values 0 and 1). Find a simple expression for the 2SLS estimator in this context.

4. Suppose that yi is generated by

i = αyt-2 + et

with et  iid (0, σ2) and 0 < α < 1.

(a) Is yt stationary and ergodic?

(b) Find the asymptotic distribution of the OLS estimator αˆ.

5. A latent variable y*i is generated by

y*i  = xiβ + ei

The distribution of ei, conditional on xi, is N (O, σi2), where σi2 = γ0 + xi2γ1 with γ0 > 0 and γ1 > 0. The binary variable yi equals 1 if yi* ≥ 0, else yi = 0. Find the log-likelihood function for the conditional distribution of yi given xi (the parameters are β, γ0, γ1).

6. The equation of interest is

i = g(xi, β)+ ei

E (ei | zi) = 0.

The observed data is (yi, xi, zi).  zi is k × 1 and β is m × 1. Show how to construct the efficient GMM estimator for β.

 7. In the linear model

yi = xiβ + ei

Suppose σi2 = E(ei2 | xi) is known. Show that the GLS estimator of β can be written as au instrumental variables estimator using some instrument zi. (Find an expression for zi.)

8. Take the linear model

yi = xiβ + ei

E(ei|xi) = 0.

where xi and β are 1 × 1.

(a) Show that E(xiei) = 0 and E(xi2ei) = 0. Is zi = (xi  xi2) a valid instrumental variable for estimation of β?

(b) Define the 2SLS estimator of β, using zi as an instrument for xi. How does this differ from OLS?

(c) Find the efficient GMM estimator of β, based on the moment condition E(zi (yi - xiβ)) = 0. Does this differ from 2SLS and/or OLS?

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Econometrics: Define the 2sls estimator of beta using zi as an instrument
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