
define techniques for detection hidden root

Define Techniques for Detection Hidden Root Canals

  • Three well-angulated periapical films for 3D morphology: o With the cone directed straight on. o Mesiobilque. o And distobilque.
  • Obturation materials are seen radiographically as "centered" within the root. N the canal should be centralized in the root that is dentin thickness of the mesial aspect of the canal equal to the distal.

 • If the obturation materials appear positioned asymmetrically within the long axis of the root, a missed canal should be suspected

 • Computerized digital radiography

  • Vision is enhanced with:

1. Expanded access cavities and complete de-roofing

2. Magnification glasses

a. Headloup& headlamps.

3. Transilluminating devices

4. The dental operating

a. Microscope

Detection by prob.. DON'T EVER NEVER DISCOVER EXTRA-CANAL BY BUR.(level of the bur only to the roof .. once you complete the de-roofing stop using the bur don't touch the walls and the pulpal floor and don't use the bur for smoothening or widening of the orifice ).

  • Ultrasonic tips: o Their abrasive coatings allow them to send easy dentin when exploring for missed canals N Calcification or shelf of dentin which is called dentin traf are removed by it
  • Dyes method: o Methylene blue(or iodine), can be irrigated into the pulp chambers

or by using cotton pellet to moisten the pulpal floor

o Ophthalmic dyes (e.g. fluorescein sodium) with ultraviolet light

it has specific color .. irrigate the pulpal floor with it then wash with normal saline , the extra-canal well absorb the dye and appear darker .

o Frequently the dye will be absorbed into orifices, fins, and isthmus areas (and it will "roadmap" the anatomy)

  • Aid in the identification missed canals and fractures lines

 • Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI) N it action is dissolve the organic material and the missed canal is full with tissue (organic) o By means of the "champagne test" providing lot of bubbles. N ( like when you open Pepsi or 7up can )

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Biology: define techniques for detection hidden root
Reference No:- TGS0286525

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