
define supplementary feeding to control under

Define Supplementary feeding to control under nutrition?

Supplementary feeding has remained an important component to control under nutrition. Considering the dietary inadequacy in the diets of poor rural families, various programmes provide daily supplementary food providing about 300 kcal of energy and 8-10 g of protein per child under various feeding programmes. Of the direct intervention programmes of the government, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is the largest being implemented by the Department of Women and Child Welfare of the Government of India in over 4000 projects all over the country with emphasis on backward and tribal areas. Supplementary feeding is an important component of ICDS. Other components are immunization, growth monitoring, and treatment of minor illness, non-formal preschool education, and nutrition education to the mothers. The Department of Health ensures immunization of children, distribution of six monthly massive doses of vitamin A and iron and folic acid tablets and treatment of minor ailments.

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Biology: define supplementary feeding to control under
Reference No:- TGS0308065

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