
Define subculture using writings from text and other


Project is a 6-10 page paper (not including title page and references). Follow APA format using 3 articles from the text and 2 other sources (these can be fieldwork observation, interviews, videos).

Paper will have title page, paper, and references page. Paper should

· Define subculture using writings from text and other articles.
· Focus on one subculture and examines the group within larger culture.
· Examines the subculture and its rituals, behaviors, and language (insider phrases).
· Analyze any artifacts and implications to insiders and outsiders.

As you examine a subculture, be aware of your own biases and set of beliefs. Don't let these color the research. I want you to bring who you are to the table, but don't let it affect the way you view an activity so that you present implications that aren't there. If you can't separate yourself from your own views and beliefs in order to view a group for what it is, then you'll never be a good fieldworker. I want your voice; I even want your opinions, but I primarily want an accurate representation of your subculture.

Follow this organization for your paper:

1. Introduction to subculture

2. History of subculture (when did it appear, disband, locale, etc.)

3. Rituals/behaviors of the group

4. Dress and language of the group

5. Artifacts

6. Field observations (if you've been able to observe your subculture, then you can discuss those in a special section or you can sprinkle your observations throughout the paper)

7. The way the subculture is viewed by larger culture

8. Conclusions/final remarks

Organize this paper using headings and sections instead of traditional paragraphing (check APA for format). If you include a link to a video or picture, you must explain the link and what it contains. The link cannot take the place of text.

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Dissertation: Define subculture using writings from text and other
Reference No:- TGS02377628

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