Is anyone formal with the book Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach by Fred R, David, Forest R. David 16th Edition If so I need help with the follow
Individual Case Analysis
Complete Experiential Exercise 4C, Step 1, on textbook page 124. Once you have found Table 4-4, complete the first 18 ratios and then 2 of your choice from the remaining growth ratios (this will equal the 20 required in the Assurance of Learning Exercise). It is required that you show your work. Use the financial documents.
Complete Case 10: Tiffany & Co., Inc. on text page 446 in the case section, by answering the 3 questions on text page 454 (last page of the case, under the section heading "The Future").
Be sure that the assignment is in a business-professional format; include current APA citing and referencing.