
Define stem cell niche and describe why they are important


I. Compare and contrast the stem cell types below:


Are they toti-, pluri- or multi-potent?

What is the source of these cells?

In which life cycle stage(s) would you find them?

What are the disadvantages or challenges to working with these cells?

Hematopoietic stem cells

A zygote

Adult mammalian skin

Embryonic stem cells

iPS cells

II. Do embryonic or adult stem cells have more therapeutic potential? Why?

III. Define "stem cell niche" and describe why they are important. Name a specific stem cell niche depicted in Fig. 8.27 and describe the signaling molecule that is required at that location to maintain the niche.

IV. Which stem cell therapy research will you be following most closely in the next decade and why? [For example, my knee was badly damaged in an accident years ago and am always curious about research news regarding knee repair or bone and cartilage growth with stem cells]

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Biology: Define stem cell niche and describe why they are important
Reference No:- TGS03258985

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