
define sample collection - clean water actthe

Define Sample Collection - Clean Water Act?

The collection of the sample is able to have significant effects on the complete analytical process. Additionally, to make sure some degree of consistency and representativeness, EPA needs that a sample for compliance monitoring be collected in a prescribed fashion. Sampling pretreatment and requirements for the NPDES programs are spelled out in Parts 122 and 403 of Title 40 of the CFR.

Even when the laboratory personnel or other analyst are not responsible for collecting the sample, it is vital for them to understand EPA's sampling requirements in order to provide cost-effective analytical results and acceptable (example- there may be little point in analyzing an improperly collected sample if the results may not be used for compliance monitoring). Preferably, laboratory personnel will have ready access to the relevant sections of the CFR. Though, recognizing that this isn't always practical.

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Civil Engineering: define sample collection - clean water actthe
Reference No:- TGS0305331

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