
define requirements of protein during

Define Requirements of Protein during Surgery?

Negative nitrogen balance is the most common nutritional deficiency related to surgery. Reserves of protein in the tissues and plasma help to overcome blood losses during surgery and tissue catabolism in the postoperative period. The optimal protein requirements for criticality ill patients in the absence of end stage renallliver disease are 1.5-2.0 g/kg/day.

Emphasis should be laid on the inclusion of foods rich in high biological value proteins such as eggs, milk, yoghurt, curd, cheese, flesh foods, legumes and pulses. Foods should be selected according to the age and patho-physiological condition of the patient. We must also keep a close watch on the liver and rend function tests while giving a high protein diet to terminally ill patients.

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Biology: define requirements of protein during
Reference No:- TGS0303777

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