
define regulation of water balancethe input of

Define Regulation of Water Balance?

The input of water, as well as, its loss can be highly variable due to individual habits and environmental factors; in spite of this, the total body water needs to be maintained constant to achieve normal osmolality for physiological functions. The osmolality is a measure of the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. In chemistry, the osmole (Osm) is a unit of measurement that defines the number of moles of a chemical compound that contribute to a solution's osmotic pressure. Although the sources of water to the body and the loss of water from the body are in balance, the fluid exchanges that take place in a 24 hour period are of tremendous magnitude and impressive in precision and regulation. Regulatory steps operate which control water input by thirst and urinary output by kidneys. This regulation of' water balance by digestive system, kidneys, hormonal control and thirst is discussed herewith.

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Biology: define regulation of water balancethe input of
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