
define regents for estimation of vitamin c -

Define Regents for Estimation of Vitamin C - Colorimetric Method?

1. 2, 4 dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent - Dissolve 2 g of dinitrophenyl hydrazine in 100 ml of 9N sulphuric acid and allow to stand overnight. Mix and use.

2. 5% thiourea solution - Dissolve 25 g of thiourea in 500 ml of distilled water.

3. 9N sulphuric acid

4. 85% sulphuric acid

5. 0.6% copper sulphate

6. Colour reagent or Dinitrophenylhydrazine - thiourea - copper sulphate (DTC) reagent  - Mix

7. 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

8. 5% metaphosphoric acid in 10% acetic acid solution - Mix 1000 ml of 5% metaphosphoric acid and 500 ml of 10% acetic acid.

9. Ice for cooling.

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Biology: define regents for estimation of vitamin c -
Reference No:- TGS0306291

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