
define reagents estimation of iron in the

Define Reagents Estimation of Iron in the Solution?

1. Conc. sulphuric acid (iron free)

2. Conc. potassium permanganate solution

3. Saturated potassium persulphate (K2S2O3) solution:

Shake 7-8 g of reagent grade iron free potassium persulphate with 100 ml of water in a glass stoppered bottle. Compensate for loss by decomposition. Shake briefly before use. Keep the reagent in the refrigerator.

4. 3N potassium thiocyanate solution:

Dissolve 146 g of potassium thiocyanate in 480 ml ofdistilled water. Filter ifturbid. Add 20 ml of acetone to improve keeping quality.

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Biology: define reagents estimation of iron in the
Reference No:- TGS0305714

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