
Define radicalism and argue for who is a more radical

Answer the following questions with at least a paragraph each.

1) What is more important to a political society, individual liberty or the collective/greater good through equality? Define ‘individual liberty' and ‘the greater good' in your own words. Use the works from Locke (individual liberty) and Lincoln (the greater good) to explain your argument.

2) Consider the speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Henry David Thoreau. How do their conceptions of law and justice differ? What role should personal ethics play in how an individual interacts with the place that they live?

3) Who has the correct assertion about a citizen's responsibility when it comes to obedience? Also, utilize MLK, a more contemporary thinker, to illustrate your point.

4) Consider the following list of thinkers: Henry David Thoreau and Martha Shelley.

Define radicalism and argue for who is a more ‘radical' political thinker? Explain why their approach is deemed radical in your estimation.

What systems do they challenge and what tactics do they each utilize to demonstrate their resistance? Why can the other thinker you chose be understood as less radical in comparison?

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Dissertation: Define radicalism and argue for who is a more radical
Reference No:- TGS02427307

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