Define Proteins, Carbohydrates required for anorexia nervosa?
A. Proteins
To ensure adequacy, minimum protein intake should equal the recommended dietary intake for age and sex in g/kg ideal body weight. A protein intake in the range of 15 -20% of total calories is recommended. Protein sources of high biological value require to be involved in the diet of the patient.
B. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrate intake in the range of 50-55% of calories is well tolerated. It is important to include sources of insoluble fibre for optimal health and for relief from constipation.
C. Fats
A dietary fat intake in the range of 25-30% of calories is recommended. Patients may comprise an aversion to fat that makes weight gain hard. Hence Fat may be included in the diet in a disguised form. For example, giving whole milk instead of toned milk will help.