
Define professional standards and numeracylist four 4

Watch the video, Beyond the Curriculum and write three (3) comments about what you learned from the video.

Read Chapter 3 and answer the following questions:

1. What is curriculum?

2. List six (6) guidelines of the NAEYC position statement related to planning curriculum.

3. List several components of an effective curriculum.

4. Define professional standards and numeracy.

5. List four (4) standards that curricula should include.

6. List ten (10) specific goals for children's development and learning.

7. List six (6) positive aspects of early learning standards.

8. List five (5) negative aspects of early learning standards.

9. Explain the "what" and "how" in regards to standards.

10. What is integrated curriculum? What are the benefits of an integrated curriculum?

11. Explain the cycle of planning.

12. Define open-ended materials and transitions.

13. List seven (7) ways that classroom arrangements and management can give teachers opportunities to observe.

14. List four (4) effective note-taking strategies while children are busy.

15. Why should a teacher assess?

16. Explain performance-based method of evaluation.

17. What is theme planning? What are some advantages and disadvantages of theme planning?

18. How can children's interests be used as a basis for meaningful curriculum?

19. Define emergent curriculum.

20. Where do ideas for emergent curriculum come from?

21. Explain backtracking.

22. Explain each strategy for planning emergent curriculum: observation and reflection; webbing; provisioning the environment; planning to sustain and enrich the exploration; representing the learning experience.

23. List and explain the three-step-approach for children's active engagement in meaningful learning as suggested by Goldstein and Baum.

24. Explain the debate over planning forms.

25. List eight (8) regular opportunities to observe to aid in changing the planning process.

Reference :

Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early ...By Carol Gestwicki.

Chapter 2 : Understanding play : Its Inportance in Developmentally Appropriate Practice.

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Dissertation: Define professional standards and numeracylist four 4
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