
define practical preparation - qualitative test

Define Practical Preparation - Qualitative Test for Monosaccharides?

1. Wear your labcoat. Make sure your hair is tied and you have no loose clothing. These can be dangerous in a laboratory.

2. Take 12 clean and dry test tubes of 10 ml each and neatly label four each as Glu, Fru and Gal for glucose, fructose and galactose, respectively. Place them in the test tube rack. These will be used for all the qualitative tests except the osazone reaction.

3. Take three 15 ml test tubes and label them Glu, Gal and Fru. These will be used for the preparation of osazone crystals.

4. Take the water bath. Fill it with water and place it on a tripod stand. Heat the water bath on a burner until the water starts boiling.

5. Now you are ready to start the practical.

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Biology: define practical preparation - qualitative test
Reference No:- TGS0306139

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