
Define power elite how is it that appointees and people

For this discussion board, I want us to focus in on the expected things presidents do when they first take office. One of those things is establishing a press corps. Another Is making appointments to oversee the country's largest agencies and departments as well as for positions such as press secretary and Supreme Court Justice. These are some of the functional activities people do to continue the institution of the presidency and keep the protocols of the office stable. See functionalism?

Look at this first article, not so much for the focus on a specific person as for its description of what a press corps is and does.


1. What is the point of having a press corps?

2. How does a press corps function as a support to our institutions? Which institutions?

3. The second link below is for your information to have and understand the appointments process, which includes FBI vetting. This is how the presidency has functioned in the U.S. I also attached a document that explains what is expected of the person tasked with leading the appointments process.


1. Define power elite.

2. How is it that appointees and people vetting them could be viewed as members of the power elite?

3. Define pluralism?

4. Which interest groups are currently involved in supporting the appointees of the next president and which are expressing criticisms?

5. Are they all being listened to?

6. How does that impact the ideals found in pluralism?

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Dissertation: Define power elite how is it that appointees and people
Reference No:- TGS02197035

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