Assignment task: For each should have an introduction statement, followed by a thesis statement outlining what you are going to discuss.
- A statement or statements of fact (s) that are supported by peer-reviewed citations.
- A transition that will make an argument or allow you to compare and contrast a topic you are writing on.
- A conclusion, wrapping up what you have stated, and finishing your argument.
1. While not a legal requirement, rape victims must often prove that they have good character and did not give voluntary consent to their attackers. Why do you think this is true of rape victims, but not victims of any other crime?
2. A number of causal factors contribute to violent crime. Identify and discuss at least two of those causal factors. What distinguishes first degree murder from second degree murder?
3. Compare and contrast the contemporary forms of interpersonal violence such as hate crimes, stalking, and workplace violence. What similarities and differences are found? Please be sure to explain your answer and give examples where applicable.
4. Define political crime and discuss its causes. Be able to provide examples in your answer.
5. Describe three prominent views regarding what motivates individuals to commit terrorist acts.