
define planning for nutritional need for

Define Planning for nutritional need For Adults?

The term 'adult' refers to any individual in the age group of twenty years and above. The period beginning from twenty years and extending through old age till the time of death is considered the period of adulthood. Adulthood represents the stage in life when an individual has completed his/her growth in terms of body size. The nutritional need is for maintenance of body functions rather than for growth. As an individual ages, there is a gradual and progressive change in body functioning. Why does this happen? This is because there is an increased breakdown of tissues and the renewal of worn out tissue is also much less. These changes associated with ageing are common to all individuals, but, there is a great variation from person to person. In some individuals, the changes become significant relatively early, whereas, in other cases these changes appear much later in adulthood. All these factors influence the nutrient needs of adults.


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Biology: define planning for nutritional need for
Reference No:- TGS0307847

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