
Define periodization and its components


Define periodization and its components. Give three different examples of when periodization can be utilized. Is periodization for everyone? If no, why not? If yes, why?

The first phase is the Preparation Phase that last from three to six weeks. It consists of aerobic activities and involve exercises such as swimming, cycling, and running. The exercise in this phase is frequent, low intensity, and short in duration with a low volume. (2)

The second phase is the Base phase that last from twelve to twenty four weeks and focused on increasing aerobic exercises, and improving effectiveness with drills and workouts. The frequency is high and the duration is medium to high. The intenstity is moderate and moderate to High. The volume ( "how much you trained in a week") start low, but will increase at the end of the base phase.(2)

The third phase is called the Build Phase. This phase will give you more efficiency at a certain distance, and is further at a certain time period. It is done by "adding interval training to the workout." (2) The phase last about four to eight weeks. The intensity ("how hard you train at a given time") is high, the duration is also high, and the volume is the same throughout the year. (2)

The four phase is called the Peak Phase. In this phase, you want to do your best as an athlete. It is like preparing for a big race. (2) The peak phase involve cutting back on the training to let your body rest. (2) The volume is low, the duration is short, and the intensity is high. The frequency ("how often you trained") can be high depending on yourself. After your successful performance during the peak phase, you enter the transition phase.

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