
Define paradoxical interventions


How to apply Paradoxical Intervention to 2 case histories


1. The Strategic school of therapy is widely known for its use of paradoxical interventions.

2. Define paradoxical interventions; how can I as a student better understand this concept.

3. How would this principle be applied (at least 2 examples from the case below)

Jean and Henry have been married for eight years and have one child, Jessica, who is five years old. Henry travels a great deal for his job, and Jean stays at home with Jessica. Jean has taken time out from her career to parent Jessica full-time in her early years. For the last three years, Jessica has attended preschool half days, three days a week, and Jean has encouraged additional creative learning activities. Henry is a very involved dad, calling Jessica every night and spending as much time as possible with her on the weekends. These parents are enmeshed with their child and give her wonderful care. However, they are failing to teach the child to obey rules and to respect adult authority, resulting in difficulty with her entrance into school. The child is afraid to go to school, and the parents simply reinforce her fears by allowing her to stay home.

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Other Subject: Define paradoxical interventions
Reference No:- TGS01891672

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