
Define organizational culture as norms values, expectations

Assignment Task: Respond to 2 of your classmates' discussion and explain why you agree (yours respond must be 200 words) Need Online Tutoring?

Discussion 1 (Earnesto):

I define organizational Culture as the norm's values, expectations, and understanding that govern the behavior of those in an organization. Culture defines employee behavior and attitude at the workplace and thus determines how employees undertake their work, how they relate with their colleagues, and how they handle both the strengths and the weaknesses in the organization.

Organizational Culture, on the other hand, is made up of a firm's values, vision, communication, and working trust, as well as organizational inclusion. It is also essential to have an ongoing and stable leadership practice, commitment to ethical behavior, and timely rewards for the employees to encourage good behavior (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020). A significant concern that organizations face when sustaining a positive culture is the integration of multi-teams into the general company values, particularly in growing or working environments. Switching an existing culture is even more difficult due to the need to rely on eliminating wrong practices and dealing with skepticism of the change.

Leaders are central to creating change by modeling flexibility and setting out innovation, communication, and direction. They should demonstrate new behavior, employ new techniques in change, and appreciate flexible personnel. Current-day knowledge workplaces and tech-centric companies like Google and Netflix endorse cultures of change (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020). Google focuses on incubation of innovation, and innovation encourages its workers to take some time to work on innovation projects; Netflix focuses on the freedom accompanied by responsibility, in which freedom empowers workers to act responsibly and be flexible.

Conclusively, everyone in the company plays a role in maintaining change by introducing different viewpoints and suggestions that can be critical to evaluating the change. Self-directed change training encourages top-down and bottom-up organizational development because employees apply change management strategies.


Paais, M., & Pattiruhu, J. R. (2020). Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational Culture on satisfaction and employee performance. The journal of Asian finance, economics, and business, 7(8), 577-588.

Discussion 2 (Loretta):

Organizational culture is the values, beliefs, and structure of an organization that had rules and regulations in which every member abides. Some of the key values of an organization culture are everyone working towards a common goal in the organization, there is freedom to innovate among

employees without fear if things do not go well, everyone is held accountable for their actions, there is clear communication in all areas of the organization, all employees have integrity, there is diversity in the organization, and everyone has respect for others and that working together is the key to organizational success. When it comes to change in an organization, there can be a great deal of resistance, this can even occur with leadership, but people have to learn to adapt. It should be something that is built within the organization's culture so that when change comes, people will expect it, learn the new structure and make it part of the everyday structure of the organization.

Those who resist change risk failure.

I think that in one organization was the one in which I worked when everyone had to go through cultural and sensitivity training. Where I worked, there were many patients of a certain race but the ones providing care were of another race. There seemed to be a lot of bigotry, cruel words, and discrimination. The training helps people to learn sensitivity and how to handle discrimination and cruelty from patients without getting upset. Most of the patients grew up and lived in a different time and in old age, memory can be a tricky thing, and we may think that we are back in our heyday while others have moved forward to modern times. Things did get better for quite some time, but I think that it was just too much for some of the employees and they eventually left the organization.

There are some things that even time cannot change.

When it comes to employees, they all must learn to adapt to the culture of an organization. Our own feelings, biases, or misgivings are to be left at the door. Some will resist the culture of an organization and turn it into something that they deem closer to standard, but times have changed, and we have to learn to cater to a more diverse market and customer base and this also means that the organization is becoming more diverse to meet customer needs. Some are stuck in the old ways, and these are employees that find themselves in trouble often and eventually find themselves on the outside looking in because they have been terminated.

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