1. Based on the examples in the text, if you were asked to formulate a plan for a regional drive-in restaurant chain's efforts to use information technology to attract customers, what would be the best use of information technology from the list below?
- Use IT to increase supplier loyalty.
- Use IT to increase operational efficiency.
- Use IT to create new products and business models.
- Use IT to help survive government reporting requirements. Use IT to achieve customer intimacy.
2. For which of the following industries has the Internet as a whole been a disruptive technology?
- bill payments
- air travel
- books
- real estate
3. The difference between a data warehouse and a data mart is
- a data warehouses tend to serve an entire enterprise and a data mart a single department.
- a data warehouse is historical data only and a data mart is the most recent transactions.
- a data mart requires normalized data, whereas a data warehouse does not.
- They are different names for the same thing.
4. Define operational excellence. How can information systems help achieve it?
5. List three organizational factors that can prevent a firm from fully realizing the benefits of a new information system, and provide examples of each.
6. What types of relationships are possible in a relational database? Describe and give an example of each.
- In a Relational database a tables can be combined easily to deliver data required by users, provided that any two tables share a common data element.
- Suppose we wanted to find in this database the names of suppliers who could provide us with part number 137 or part number 150.
- We would need information from two tables: the SUPPLIER table and the PART table. Note that these two files have a shared data element: Supplier Number.
- In a relational database, three basic operations, are used to develop useful sets of data select, join.( 12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solution.