
Define of multiple disabilities significant to education


Why is the definition of multiple disabilities significant to education? How does it relate to the classroom?

To answer this question, a study called The use of a Multisensory Environment for Assessment of Sensory Abilities and Preferences in Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: A Pilot Study, was examined (Der Putten, Vlaskamp & Schuivens, 2010). The study came from the Netherlands and the researchers tell us that to offer appropriate activities within the curriculum for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) is a challenge.

An important determinant of the adequacy of an activity is whether teachers have detailed and specific knowledge about the sensory abilities and contextual preferences of these children. Materials and In total, 23 children with PIMD and three teachers participated. The teachers functionally assessed the sensory abilities and contextual preferences of the children before and after an intervention period during which the teachers carried out individual activities with the children in a multi-sensory environment (MSE).

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Other Subject: Define of multiple disabilities significant to education
Reference No:- TGS01921061

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