
Define obligation with a penal clause.


Subject: The Law on Obligations and Contracts

Kindly answer the following questions:

I. Distinguish divisible and indivisible obligations.

II. A and B bind themselves to pay C their loan of P10,000 on a certain date. Is the obligation divisible or indivisible? Explain your answer.

III. Define obligation with a penal clause.

IV. What are the purposes of incorporating a penal clause to an obligation?

V. X promise to deliver to Y a specific horse. Their contract contains a penal clause that in case of non-fulfillment, X shall pay a penalty of P10,000. X wants to just pay the penalty instead of delivering the horse. Has Y the right to refuse to accept the penalty in lieu of the horse? Explain your answer.

VI. Define payment.

VII. D owes C P10,000 with G, as guarantor. On the due date of the obligation, T, a third person, offered to pay the obligation of D. Can C legally refuse to accept the payment? Explain. How about an offer of payment from G? Explain your answer briefly.

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Other Subject: Define obligation with a penal clause.
Reference No:- TGS03242247

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