
Define nationalism in nineteenth-century europe how did


Answer the following questions. The assignment has three sections. Your assignment must be completed in paragraph and essay format. Your assignment must be completed in an essay format. You must also submit your assignment according to the following format: typed, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Late assignment submissions will be penalized accordingly (per the syllabus).

Section I: Identification-

Compose short but full and complete paragraph answers (6-8 sentences in length) that describe the historical significance of four of the fifteen terms below. Historical significance is more than a simple definition. Your terms should clearly show detailed evidence for how they are important in both the context of the historical period in question and broader course themes.

Choose 4 from the 15 terms below:

Tennis Court Oath                      The Berlin Conference           Giuseppe Mazzini
Mercantilism                               Realpolitik/Weltpolitik            Manifest Destiny
Tanzimat reforms                        Zionism                               War Capitalism
Religious Toleration/Tolerance       Olympe de Gouges               Creole
Simón Bolívar                              Social Contract                    The Enlightenment

Section II: Short Essay-

Compose a short, two-three - paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one of the following questions:

Choice A - Define nationalism in nineteenth-century Europe. Give and critically analyze two country-specific examples in your answer.

Choice B - Compare "old" and "new" imperialism in the context of the early modern and modern West.

Choice C - Explain the transition from a mercantilist to a capitalist economy in the late-early-modern West and use Sven Beckert's book to support your answer.

Choice D - How did absolutist rulers in 18th century Europe respond to the Enlightenment?

Choice E - What impact did European colonization (from the 1500s-1800s) have on non-western populations around the world?

Section II: Long Essay-

Compose a long, four to five paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one of the following questions (support your answers with my lectures, the textbook, and all appropriate supplementary readings):

Choice A - How did cotton become global? Use Sven Beckert's Empire of Cotton as a springboard for connecting his thesis to course material on nationalism, industrialization, and empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Choice B - Explain and analyze globalization in the late-nineteenth century with that of globalization in the 1100s-1300s.

Choice C - How did the French Revolution lay the foundations for the modern nation-state?

Choice D - What role did nationalism play in the development of modern states during the nineteenth century?

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History: Define nationalism in nineteenth-century europe how did
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