
define multidisciplinary approach to solving

Define Multidisciplinary Approach to Solving Nutrition Problems?

You must have realized by now that solving public nutrition problems represents a multidisciplinary challenge of large magnitude and therefore requires a multidisciplinary approach to find a solution. Science and technology have been able to make meaningful contributions to socioeconomic development only when they have acted in an interdisciplinary manner to solve the problems. Hence, there is a need to recognize the value of such an approach and give special attention to organizing activities that would involve teams of scientists (both social and natural), technologists, policy-makers and planners (including development economists) and the implementers of programmes to collectively look into the major problems of mankind and find solutions for them through co-operative efforts.

The concerned disciplines should stimulate each other consciously and create a comprehensive and dynamic system capable of multidisciplinary action that could increase the pace of progress towards establishment of a more equitable and just social order in this world. This effort could convert the vicious cycle in which we are caught at present into dynamic development cycles. There are many kinds of disciplines which have an impact on nutrition. However, in this unit we would limit ourselves to the discipline of agriculture and science and technology as used to improve agriculture. In the coming section, we will study, how agriculture and horticulture production, storage, distribution of food products and science and technology influence food consumption and nutritional status of the population? And how can all these fields interact with each other and with other areas in order to benefit society?


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Biology: define multidisciplinary approach to solving
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