
Define methods used by timothy mcveigh to conduct his

Required Reading:

Federal Bureau of Investigation (2014). Domestic Terrorism in the post-9/11 Era. Retrieved from:https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2009/september/domterror_090709

Federal Bureau of Investigation (2014). Definitions of terrorism in the US Code. Retrieved from:https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism/terrorism-definition

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, Oklahoma City Murrah Building Bombing After Action Report. Retrieved from:https://ok.gov/OEM/documents/Bombing%20After%20Action%20Report.pdf

Thwarted train attack raises lone-wolf fears in US (2015). FOX News. Retrieved fromhttps://video.foxnews.com/v/4441450774001/thwarted-train-attack-raises-lone-wolf-fears-in-us/?#sp=show-clips

Required Websites:

Federal Bureau of Investigation: National Security Branch: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/nsb

RAND: Domestic Terrorism: https://www.rand.org/topics/domestic-terrorism.html

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States: https://www.9-11commission.gov

U.S. State Department: Foreign Terrorism Organizations (FTO):https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm

"Lone Wolves" and Domestic Terrorism

One the most formidable challenges to Homeland Security is that of "lone wolf" terrorism.Click Thwarted train attack raises lone-wolf fears in U.S. As you view this short video clip, a lone wolf could be preparing to attack in a large crowd somewhere in the United States. From defining the term to detecting and defeating these domestic (aka "home grown") threats has proven both a historical and ongoing ‘balancing act' between maintaining the individual freedoms set forth in the Constitution and Bull of Rights and conducting necessary surveillance and other passive and active measures without which "lone wolves" would operate with virtual impunity.

Case Assignment:

In this Case, your task is to:

1. Define the methods used by Timothy McVeigh to conduct his attacks, the results of the bombing, his motivation(s), and how he was able to conduct his attack against the Murrah Federal Building without detection by the FBI or other domestic law enforcement organization.

2. Briefly discuss, using your critical thinking, which DHS agencies are most directly responsible for ensuring such an attack does not occur in the future and what capabilities these identified agencies "bring to the table" to help defend against acts of domestic terrorism.

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Dissertation: Define methods used by timothy mcveigh to conduct his
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