
define major sources of water - water intakethe

Define Major Sources of water - Water Intake?

The preformed water that we consume as water or as beverage. This will include both preformed water in fluids and in foods. The amount of fluids that we consume as beverages, including water depends on climatic conditions and habit. People living in tropics, where there are greater losses of water due to evaporation from the skin, consume more water than do those in temperate climates, and people who engage in strenuous physical activity drink more than do people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This may amount to as much as 1-2 L/day. This may also be referred to as preformed water in fluids. Foods (other than water and beverages) are the second most important sources of water for the body. Most foods contain 50% water, but milk has the highest amount of water. Fruits and vegetables rank next to milk, while fats and oils do not contain any water, the water contained in cookies, cakes and chocolates are relatively low. This entire group contributes to 25-30% of daily water intake. This may also be referred to as preformed water in foods.

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Biology: define major sources of water - water intakethe
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