Define leadership do library andinternet research plus use

Do These Things:

  • Define Leadership. Do library and/internet research plus use what you have learned in class to come up with this definition.
  • Tell your leadership goals for while you are at college and in your future after graduation.
  • Tell what leadership characteristics you want to possess and why.
  • Tell what leadership style(s) you will use as you lead. (Authoritarian, Democratic, Lassie-faire)

Follow These Guidelines:

  • Write in the first person; this is about you and your plans and ideas.
  • Length is approximately 500 words. (This is approximately 2-3 pages, double spaced.) It is best to write a 700-800 word rough draft and then edit.
  • Use 12 point, Times New Roman Font, double-spaced with 1 inch top and bottom margins and 1 1/4 inch side margins.
  • Follow the normal, basic rules of grammar.

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Dissertation: Define leadership do library andinternet research plus use
Reference No:- TGS02665886

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